Tim Cook to Deliver 2018 Animoji Commencement Address at Duke
Posted by 3uTools

Duke University announced this weekend that Tim Cook will be the commencement speaker at its 2018 graduation in May. Cook, of course, is a Duke alum himself, having graduated from the school’s Fuqua School of Business with his MBA…


Duke University President Vincent E. Price made the announcement, touting Cook’s accomplishments at both Apple and in his advocacy for social justice. Duke’s graduation will be held on Sunday, May 13, 2018.

“I am absolutely delighted that Tim Cook will be returning to campus as this spring’s commencement speaker,” said Price. “Throughout his career, Tim has embodied Duke’s values of innovation and service to society, whether through his contributions to Apple’s groundbreaking technology or his advocacy for social justice. I can imagine no better person, and no bigger Duke fan, to inspire the Class of 2018.”

In addition to the press release, however, Price, along with Duke students Kavya Sekar, Matthew King, shared an Animoji video to make the announcement. Cook also makes a surprise in the video, saying he’s thrilled to be joining Duke students on their big day:

Hello, Duke! I’m thrilled to be joining you for commencement in May. It’s a huge day and I couldn’t be ore excited than to share it with you. Until then, go Blue Devils!

His appearance at Duke’s graduation isn’t Cook’s first commencement address. Last year, the Apple CEO gave the commencement address at MIT. In previous years he delivered the address at Auburn and George Washington University.


Source: 9to5mac   

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