Although Apple has optimized iOS system to a large extent, there are so many iOS users waiting for the release of the new jailbreaking tool.
Hacker Luca Todesco has announced a webkit based iOS 9.3.3 pangu loader.
iPhone 7 has been officially released for a while. Currently, more and more iFans are curious about jailbreaking iOS 10.2.
Pangu team reports Pangu 10 has been already archived and if Apple unable to found this important vulnerabilities in iOS 10.2 update, PanGu10 team released Pangu iOS 10.2 Jailbreak quickly with it’s public release.
What’ s the Differences Between Jailbroken iPhone and Unjailbroken iPhone.
An input method (or input method editor) is an operating system component or program that allows any data, such as keyboard strokes or mouse movements, to be received as input.
iOS jailbreaking is the process of removing software restrictions imposed ...
Currently, a lot of Apple users have met with the problem that...
Since iOS 9.3.3jailbreak tool was released by PanGu, a lot of Apple users...
After a long period of waiting, PanGu team finally unveiled their latest ...
3uTools is a comprehensive iOS tool, currently supporting iOS9-9.0.2, iOS8-8.4, iOS7-7.1.2, iOS6-6.15, iOS5-5.11 and iOS4-4.3.5 untethered jailbreak...