Apple Announces Vision Pro Launching in Two More Countries Next Month
Posted by 3uTools

Apple's marketing chief Greg Joswiak today said the Vision Pro will be launching in South Korea and the United Arab Emirates on Friday, November 15.


Apple Announces Vision Pro Launching in Two More Countries Next Month

In a press release, Apple said the Vision Pro will be available to pre-order in South Korea starting Monday, November 4 at 10 a.m. local time. In the United Arab Emirates, pre-orders begin on the same day at 5 a.m. local time, according to Apple's website.


Apple now has localized Vision Pro and visionOS 2 pages in South Korea and the United Arab Emirates with more details. In South Korea, Apple said customers will be able to schedule a 30-minute Vision Pro demo at an Apple Store in the country. Apple said it plans to share more details about this experience after pre-orders begin.


Apple first released the Vision Pro in the U.S. in February, with pricing starting at $3,499. In June and July, the headset launched in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the U.K., China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore. With the additions of South Korea and the United Arab Emirates, the headset will be available in 12 countries and regions.

In July, research firm IDC estimated that Vision Pro sales would total less than 500,000 units this year. In a recent interview, Apple CEO Tim Cook acknowledged that the Vision Pro is not a mass-market product due to its high price.


"At $3,500, it's not a mass-market product," said Cook. "Right now, it's an early-adopter product. People who want to have tomorrow's technology today—that's who it's for. Fortunately, there's enough people who are in that camp that it's exciting."


Source: Macrumors

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