Connection Code and Password: A Step-by-Step Guide
Posted by 3uTools

Using the control feature, when controlling a remote device, you’ll be prompted to enter a connection code and password, as shown below:


Connection Code and Password: A Step-by-Step Guide


What are the connection code and password? Where can they be obtained?


After installing 3uRemote, the app generates a unique connection code and password based on your computer. These can be viewed on the Local Computer information page.


When remote control is needed, share the connection code and password with the other party, who can then initiate remote control of your device.


Connection Code and Password: A Step-by-Step Guide


If you feel the randomly generated connection password is not secure enough, you can refresh it. Additionally, the connection password supports customization and allows you to set a update frequency. 


Connection Code and Password: A Step-by-Step Guide

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